Through its strategic partnerships, the academy awards many locally and internationally accredited certificates from diplomas and french Brevet and Baccalaureate certificates to locally accredited certificates by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Labor in Jordan.
The below certificates are offered to eligible graduate students and according to the program they are enrolled in;
Baccalauréat Professionnel Certificate
From: School Elissa Lemonier and Academie de Paris - The French Ministry of Education
Accredited by: The French Ministry of Education as well as the Jordanian Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Higher Education
Eligibility: Passed high school/Tawjihi Exams
A certificate of completion of partial units from this diploma can be awarded to:
Brevet Professionnel Certificate
From: School Elissa Lemonier and Academie de Paris - The French Ministry of Education
Accredited by: Academie de Paris - The French Ministry of Education as well as the Jordanian Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Higher Education
Eligibility: No criteria